What is S3 Strategy?

The Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) is the policy tool that, since 2014, EU Countries and Regions must adopt to identify objectives, priorities and actions that can maximize the effects of investment in research and innovation, focusing resources on the areas of specialisation typical of each territory.

Regione Liguria S3 strategy (approved with D.G.R. n. 1330 of 30/11/2015) has a place-based approach, focused on the needs and specificities of the territorial context and oriented to the promotion of potential, knowledge and skills on a regional scale.

In September 2019 S3’s first update aimed at:

  • Adapting S3 to the changing socio-economic and governance environment of the regional research and innovation system.
  • Orienting and better targeting regional interventions in the final phase of the 2014-2020 programming cycle.

S3 2021-2027

The 2021-27 S3 update (approved with D.G.R n.1321 of 22/12/2022) was processed bearing in mind:

  • changes observed in the regional production system and related innovation challenges identified;
  • the European, national and regional strategic policy reference framework;
  • the results of different moments of discussion and listening to regional stakeholders;
  • the experience of the 2014-2020 programming period.

An important part of the path of definition of 2021-2027 S3 was the public consultation: all civil society was invited to express their opinion to help the Region to define priorities and objectives of the new S3 for the 2021 2027 programming period.

The three areas of specialisation identified in the regional S3 (Marine Technologies, Safety and Quality of Life in the territory and Healthcare and Life Sciences) have been confirmed as priorities over time, also as a result of the new and updated analysis of the context and of the stakeholders’ ongoing consultation process and the entrepreneurial discovery implemented in the territory.

Regione Liguria Smart Specialisation macro areas

Based on the context analysis and on the process of consultation and participation of research and innovation system’s stakeholders in the strategy definition phase, three areas of smart specialisation have been identified for Regione Liguria: